
Changing Your Mindset to Achieve Success

This is a recording from a recent Periscope video that I did. If you want to get in on the live conversation in the future, download the app & follow me @jillmacntc Changing Your Mindset to Achieve Success Recap: Have guidelines rather than rules: This is real life. Set backs are normal and we’re not all the same. If the plan you’re on isn’t working, it’s okay to change things to fit your own body and lifestyle. If you want…

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health goals

Health Goals? Here’s How to Achieve Them

Do you make health goals each new year? Some people don’t like the idea of new years resolutions because “why wait for the new year to make changes? You can change at any time.” While I do agree with this, I also think the new year is a great time to make changes. The start of a new year brings a sense of renewal and a fresh start. We get to put the past behind us and choose to make the…

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Hey you! My name is Jill and I'm a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Since discovering paleo back in 2012, nutrition/wellness/fitness have become my passions. I used to be a cigarette smoker, fast food eater, and completely sedentary party girl. So, trust me, I've been there. I get it. I know change is hard. That's what I'm here for- to help you change your lifestyle & feel the best you possibly can!
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