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Tips to Make Your Paleo Diet Last a Lifetime:

1. Meal Planning: I plan my meals weekly to ensure I always make good choices. When you don’t plan, you leave yourself open to the possibility of grabbing some poor-quality convenience foods when you are hungry. Planning what you are going to eat weekly helps your healthy eating habits to become a part of your routine. I’ve been planning and cooking my meals for a while now, so it has become a good habit. Like they say, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail 😉

2. Meal Prepping: Meal prepping is another great way to help make eating healthy easier. You can chop all your vegetables at the beginning of the week (or twice a week) to help cut back on cook time. Or, you can cook your whole week’s worth of meals on Sunday, so that you don’t have to worry about cooking the rest of the week. Another great option is to use the Crockpot. It’s so convenient to just throw everything in it in the morning and come back later to dinner waiting for you.

3. Keep Snacks Around: It’s a good idea to keep some paleo-friendly snacks around. Keep some at your office, in your purse, and at home. This way you’re always prepared when you get hungry. If a coworker offers you something like a Snickers bar, you’ll feel much less tempted when you know you’ve got a delicious, nutrient-dense snack waiting for you! Some snack ideas are grass-fed beef jerky, plantain chips, apple or banana with nut butter, veggies & guacamole, or raw grass-fed cheese or yogurt (if you tolerate dairy).

4. Exercise: Exercise! Our bodies are designed to move. We need to exercise for optimal health, plus exercising releases endorphins and makes you feel awesome. Another plus, working out motivates you to stick to your good eating habits. If you can’t afford a gym membership, there’s tons of exercises you can do at home (check out YouTube for ideas), or go out for a walk or run!

5. Read Paleo Blogs/Listen to Podcasts: Reading paleo blogs and/or listening to podcasts helps to reinforce the why behind the paleo diet and motivate you to continue making good choices. I noticed in myself that whenever my eating habits started to slip it was because I wasn’t reading nutrition blogs as much as I normally would. When I’m constantly reminded of why I should be eating right, it’s easier for me to continue making good choices.

6. Paleo Treats: Paleo treats are a controversial topic in the paleo community. There’s the one side who says paleo “treats” and recreations of standard American favorites have no place in a paleo diet. The thought is that recreating these foods keeps you in the mindset of making poor food choices. The other view is that paleo treats help keep you on track when you’re having cravings and help prevent you from feeling like you are missing out on foods that all your friends are eating. So, you’ll have to decide for yourself where you stand on this issue. I am a believer in paleo treats. They helped me so much in the beginning of my paleo journey and I think they are great for special occasions as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Indulging in treats is one of the great joys in life, in my opinion. I’m not a paleo perfectionist. I believe in balance.

7. Go Outside & Get Some Sunshine: Going outside and getting sunshine is another important aspect to living paleo. The sun is our best source of Vitamin D, and we feel happier and better overall when we are outside in nature. Unplug from technology for a bit each day and enjoy some time outside.


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See also: Paleo Tips For Beginners